Setting Up Private Filters (Repo or Reg)

Private Filters enable users to deploy and manage custom computer vision filters within their environments. These filters can be sourced from various Helm repositories or Docker registries.

Setting Up a Private Docker Registry

You may need to set up a private Docker registry to utilize private filters. You can achieve this using the FilterBox CLI or Kubernetes command-line tools (kubectl).

Using FilterBox for Docker Registry Setup

Step 1: Create a Kubernetes Secret for Docker Registry Credentials:

Use this command to initiate the setup.

filterbox reg create

You'll be prompted to enter your Docker Registry Server Configuration, including the server URL, username, password, email, and secret-name.

Example Input:

password (hidden): 
secret-name: plainsight-jfrog-test

This process creates a Kubernetes secret, plainsight-jfrog-test, within the plainsight namespace, enabling secure access to your private Docker registry.

Step 2: Create a values.yaml file to specify your filter configuration

Create a values.yaml file specifying your filter configurations, including the video source (deviceSource), Docker image (imageOverride), and the newly created registry secret (imagePullSecrets).

Example values.yaml:

deviceSource: "rtsp://" 
imageOverride: "" 
    - name: plainsight-jfrog-test

Step 3: Deploy Your Private Filter

Use this command to deploy a Filter utilizing the configurations specified in the values.yaml file:

helm install -n plainsight detect-cam1 plainsight-technologies/filter --version 0.18.0 -f ./values.yaml
  • -n plainsight specifies the Kubernetes namespace where the filter should be deployed, which should match where the secret is stored.

  • detect-cam1 is the name given to this particular deployment of the filter.

  • plainsight-technologies/filter is the Helm chart that defines how the filter application should be deployed.

  • --version 0.18.0 specifies the version of the Helm chart to use.

  • -f ./values.yaml tells Helm to use the configurations provided in the values.yaml file.

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