Updating a Filter

This guide outlines the procedures for updating filters using kubectl, Heml, or Filterbox.

Methods of Updating a Filter

Using kubectl

List Deployments:

kubectl -n plainsight get deployments

Identify the deployment of the filter you wish to update.

Edit Deployment:

kubectl -n plainsight edit deployments/{filter-deployment-name}

Replace {filter-deployment-name} with the actual name of your filter's deployment. Find the image field under container specifications in the editor and update it to the desired Tag/Digest Value.

Using Helm (Plainsight Repo)

List Helm Releases:

helm -n plainsight list

Locate the Helm release associated with your filter.

Upgrade Helm Release:

helm -n plainsight upgrade {filter-unique-name} plainsight-technologies/filter --version {version}

Replace {filter-unique-name} with your Helm release name and {version} with the new Docker image or chart version.

Using FilterBox CLI

Uninstall Filter:

This command removes the current filter installation.

filterbox filter uninstall

Install New Filter Version:

Use this command to install the new version of the filter.

filterbox filter install

When using filterbox filter install, you'll be prompted to select your filter and version from available options. You can also specify your video source, whether it's a USB device number (e.g., 0, 1) or an RTSP address (e.g., rtsp://, ensuring a customized setup tailored to your needs.

Last updated